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40th Reunion -- Set 4

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Ed and Linda Higgs

Betty Doutt Russell and Roy Russell

Carole Spring Fulghum, Roy Sparks
Carol Lawton Haag, John Musick, George Noah

Joe and Joan Darchicourt, Larry and Loree Lough

Louis and Donna Rao

Karen Bragg Forney, William Polk, Jerry Bedell Rollyson

Eileen Jurs Nerf, Linda Shakespeare Bost
Janice Bergin Keay, Joyce Hardy Smearman

Tom and Laura Newkirk

Janet Bates Jones, Nathaniel Johnson
Thomas Tranum, Charles and Janet Hartlove

Dan Leaverton, Clare Dillon Murphy, Curtis Willeford

Darlene Redemann Anderson, Barbara Sturgill Harding
Linda Simonds Church

Dawn White, Rose Plisko Cutair

Nathaniel Johnson, Darlene Redemann Anderson

Chuck Eney, Jim Church, Cecilia Kohl Collier

Terry Evans, Sara Phelps Summers, Roy and Charlotte Sparks